girls love any and all Popsicles, especially Otter Pops & frozen Gogurts {I feel obligated to get on a soapbox here for a public service annoucement, PLEASE buy the simply gogurts & not those scooby, spongebob, unnatural flavored ones!! Be good to your kids because one day they will run this country!} BUT they also apparently have very sensitive girly hands since they need a paper towel wrapped around the plastic ice pop every time we eat them!! So, in an effort to cut back on all the wasted paper towels being "green" and save money at the same time I made these ice pop holders!! The other day it just came to me to make something reusable since we are entering serious Popsicle season and all. I am sure I'm not the 1st person to do this but thought I would share. I grabbed some funky bright colored tye-dye fleece {figured we would want something thick to soak in the condensation as it melted & to keep those sensitive little hands safe from the threat of frost bite.}
This morning I cranked out 6 of these little cozies in about 30 minutes. Super easy and fast, my kinda project! :) This is all totally obvious and simple to figure out on your own but I snapped some pics along the way and figured out measurements to share.
First, cut a piece of your fleece 5"x10"
Now, take the short ends and fold over 1/4" and then fold over 1/4" again, iron to stay flat & pin, stitch both ends down to keep them secure.
Now fold in 1/2 lengthwise (right sides together) and pin in place, sew down the side seam & along the bottom. You don't even have to worry about keeping these seams all neat & tidy since it will all be inside the finished product!
Flip right side out and voila, instant Ice Pop Cozy!
Give to your kiddo to enjoy & feel proud of yourself for being "green" & saving $$moola$$ on paper towels!!
**UPDATE** Since making these I found a WAY easier method! {duh, why didnt I think to do it like this?!?} check it out