Saturday, June 18, 2011


It is strawberry season here in NY, one of my most favorite things about living here...all the amazing fresh local fruits and vegetables we have access to all summer!  Last year I made strawberry jam for teacher gifts so we picked a ton of berries and I was making freezer jam for days!  This year we have a much easier homemade gift planned for Savannah's teacher and I have talked her into not needing to give every teacher & office staff a present as well!  I am thrilled she loves to give but that's a lot of work for mom!

 Emerson's expression in this picture pretty much sums up our afternoon of strawberry picking, and don't let Savannah fool you, she just had to use the potty!

We went to a local farm that we have gone to the past couple of years but this year it was not a great experience. They used no chemicals which is GREAT but they didn't maintain the field either so weeds were insane and made it very difficult for picking..Not to mention Savannah had to go potty right from the moment we arrived and Emmie liked to throw rocks more than pick berries! We spent about 1 1/2 hours just to get a decent amount of berries to take home.

We came home & drowned our sorrows in creamsicles & ice cream sandwiches! 

Then went to the park to end on a happy note!


1 comment:

  1. Little pig tails is sitting all pretty like "check me out boys I'm sick of doing stuff today" as she opens her mouth and her puss for $500 :pp
